Tuesday 8 December 2015

Today's Lesson - Planning and writing your independent study FOUR THINGS

By the end of today's lesson you need to have:

1. Prepared your AO1 by deciding on a question and having it agreed by me

2. Selected your author and text

3. Prepare your AO3 by

Researching the writer you have chosen’s autobiography – what events from his/her life may have affected their work?
What society is the text set in?
What society is the text written for?
Their attitudes to gender, social class etc.
Societies attudes to gender, social class etc. 

4. Prepare your AO4 by

Identifying the genre of your text
Researching the conventions of your genre

ALL the above needs to be posted to your blog so I can supervise your work. REMEMBER THE RULES

Drafting rules

Students must have sufficient direct supervision to ensure that the work submitted can be confidently authenticated as their own. This means that the teacher will review the progress of the work during research, planning and throughout its production to see how it evolves.

The teacher may provide guidance and support to students so that they are clear about the requirements of the task they need to undertake and the marking criteria on which the work will be judged. They may also provide guidance to students on the suitability of their proposed task, particularly if it means they will not meet the requirements of the marking criteria.

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