Sunday 6 December 2015

Today's lesson 7/11/15

In today's lesson you will

Complete all work on The Hollow Men
Post your three potential controlled assement questions
Respond to feedback on your Larkin essays


1. Read my comments
2. For AO2, AO3 and AO5 Read Ellie Marfleet's essay
3. For AO2, AO3 and AO5 Read Grace Doughty's essay
4. For AO4 Use this guide to analysing quotations (designed for AS Lang but still suitable for Lit).
5. For AO1 and AO5 use this overview of Marxism and Marxist terms - aim to include a MINIMUM of 5 of these terms in your work.
6. To improve your AO2 and AO4 read this section of Monica Wormleighton's essay and notice how you analysis poetic devices and links them to a marxist interpretation

"In each of these four poems, Larkin uses caesura and enjambment to change the pace of the poem, thus changing the mood and also to emphasise key parts of emotions. In 'the large cool store', caesura and enjambment are both use to slow down the pace in order to reflect the mundanity of the proletariats lives in which they do the same thing each day. As these techniques are used throughout the poem and there is no change, it could represent that there is no change in their lives,'weekday world of those who leave at dawn...' showing that they are not proactive about making a change and are not going beyond the limits which society sets for them. In the poem 'sunny prestatyn' caesura and enjambment are used mainly in the second stanza. This stanza is where the mood and tone of the poem changes and Larkin used these techniques to emphasise the harsher statements, for example in the line 'a couple of weeks, and her face was snaggle-toothed' the uses of these techniques emphasises on the negatives and makes the readers opinion change. Similarly in 'this be the verse' the caesuras are used to emphasise the more shocking points Larkin in making. There is a caesura after the line 'they fuck you up' so that the reader stops to think about this point an interpret what the line is saying. Larkin used this so that the reader would be shocked. Again in 'essential beauty' a caesura is used for dramatic effect after the line 'of how life should be' to indicate to the reader that it isn't the reality and that the expectations of society are too high. A marxist critic would appreciate the use of this pause as they would infer this use of the technique as a way to highlight the delusion of the proletariats through the use of the advertisements." 

Any questions? Ask!

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