Sunday 13 November 2016

Act 3 scene 3 BIG QUESTION 2

She did deceive her father, marrying you,
And when she seemed to shake, and fear your looks
She loved them most. (3.3.209-211)

For she had eyes and chose me. (3.3.192)
  1. How do ideas about difference and otherness help Iago's manipulation of Othello in this scene? Consider:
    1. How Othello is reminded of the fact that Cassio helped him to woo Desdemona (lines 70-74) (Remember, Othello is insecure about how he speaks compared to Italian people 'rude am I in my speech')
    2. How Iago reminds Othello of how different he is to Desdemona (lines 232-242)
    3. The reasons Othello thinks that Desdemona may fall out of love with him (lines 267-270)

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